An Evening with Robert Kegan and Immunity to Change
When you select people
Giving confidence
Passion & Energy
Diverse - change easily
Dont hire fully technical who forgets people
3 principles: Trust, x, x (Dont lose confidence)
Life lessons:
3 words: self aware & inspire & empathy
Ask feedback more regularly
Take full opportunity of your current role
Just Do
Difficult Conversations
Conflicts are OK, dont ignore
How to prepare:
Step back (Balcony) - Dialogue - Follow-up
Step back:
Master emotions
Check your interpretation
Focus on win-win
Establish needs
Express your needs
Follow- up:
Frame the outcome
Explore solutions
Agree on a plan (who will do what)
If we dont agree fully -> make an interim agreement
What are you listening for:
A person what says
A person what does not say
Powerful Question:
Has a purpose
Guides without controlling
Presenting typr in Org. ( Isaac Liew)
Knowing and doing are two different things
MBTI (Myers Bridge Type Indicator)
1- Get Energy (Extraversion or Intraversion)
2- Take information (Sensing (more details) or Intuition(roughly))
3- Make decisions (Thinking or Feeling)
4- Ways of living (Judging or Perceiving)
Bu test ile işe alacağımız insanlarda “diversity” sağlayabiliriz
Lesson for leadership
- Focus on big things
- Strategic intend
- Collective
- Operational -> Strategic view
- Clear Responsibilities
Explain the strategy very well
- Make it visible
- Take yourself step back
My feedbacks:
Dont observe much
-Get sooner / speed up, what I say is very valuable (Analytical mindset behind)
-Let your voice be heard (direct & concise)
Dont put walls
-I have so much to offer, has much humor, enjoyful
Be assertive
-Anastasia: I avoid to hurt people. ( I m beautiful )
-Be more brave
-Be more clear
Be comfortable with the mistakes
- My comfort zone is the numbers
Giving confidence
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