
8 Ekim 2013 Salı

Hire Yourself a Great First Manager

In fact, a poor manager can have a seriously negative impact on your career. This is particularly true for your first job after graduation.

So when job-hunting, don’t just look at title and salary; pay a lot of attention to the person you will report to. One newly minted MBA I know left ten thousand dollars in salary on the table in order to work with a CEO (and his industry) respected. The CEO told him in the interview, I can’t meet your salary requirements yet, but if you work for me, I’ll teach you all I know.” That decision was such a good one, the MBA is now an executive himself.

It’s not all that difficult to determine whether someone will make a good boss or not. Two approaches work: observing what a person does and asking questions. You should use both.

Observe what the person does during the whole hiring process, but especially the interview. Is she excited and energetic? Happy to meet you and explain what the company is looking for? Does he listen attentively to what you are saying? Does she interrupt or ignore you?

Every candidate is expected to ask questions both in the interview and during the hiring process. Your questions should not have easy “yes” or “no” answers.

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