
9 Nisan 2021 Cuma


Beni o kadar çekmese de içine, karşıtlıkları anlamak için okunabilir, ben çok siyasi bulmadım, yazarın aşk kurgusunu zorlama yerleştirmesi etkili olmuş olabilir. 

“ a brutal country like ours where human life is cheap, it's stupid to destroy yourself for the sake of your beliefs. Beliefs, high ideals--only people living in rich countries can enjoy such luxuries.'
'Actually, it's the other way round. In a poor country the only consolation people can have is the one that comes from their beliefs.”

“...every life is like a snowflake: individual existences might look identical from afar, but to understand one´s own eternally mysterious uniqueness one had only to plot the mysteries of one´s own snowflake.”

Orhan Pamuk

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